The ad Dalum entreprenadkärra flakkärra 10 tons platform trailer for sale by auction has been sold and is not included in the search!
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platform trailer
Year of manufacture:
Load capacity:
22,050 lb
Execution date:
2025-01-31 15:00
Ending date:
2025-02-10 15:30
Placed on:
more than 1 month
Autoline ID:
Seller information
Upphämtning av objekt måste aviseras minst 1 dag i förväg. DETTA ÄR ETT KRAV!
Köparen eller transportbolaget måste ombesörja lastning av objektet.
Samt fraktdokument och CMR dokument skrives av köpare el transportbolaget.
Transportbolaget ansvarar för att rätt typ av transportfordon sänds till last adressen.
Om dessa villkor inte uppfylls sker ingen utlämning.
Hämtning är mellan 08.00-16.00 Måndag till Fredag.
Försäljningen sköts av LogistikPartner Sverige på uppdrag av ägaren av objekten.
Alla frågor i samband med denna auktion eller begäran om granskning kan riktas till
LogistikPartner Sverige på telefon +46(0)70-638 77 71 eller peter@logpar.com
Pick-up of items must be notified at least 1 day in advance. THIS IS A REQUIREMENT!
The buyer or transport company must take care of the loading of the item.
As well as shipping documents and CMR documents are written by the buyer or the transport company.
The transport company is responsible for sending the correct type of transport vehicle to the cargo address.
If these conditions are not met, no extradition will be made.
Pick-up is between 08.00-16.00 Monday to Friday
The sales is handled by LogistikPartner Sweden on behalf of the owner of the objects.
All questions related to this auction or request for inspection can be directed to
LogistikPartner Sweden on phone +46(0)70-638 77 71 or peter@logpar.com
General conditions
Sales commission is included in your bid. Auction charges and VAT is added when applicable.
Payment charges (kr 250,- / EUR 25) will be added.
All invoices have 5 days payment terms.
Payment must be registered before seller can be contacted for collection of purchased items
All purchases must be collected within 21 days. NOTE! We expect buyer and seller to cooperate on arranging collection according to the current restrictions and instructions from the authorities.
An agreement MUST be made with the seller prior to collection
The auction item is approved bu the buyer at collection.
The buyer is responsible for all costs with regards to pick up, transport and export.
Asset overall condition: Fully functional during last use
Tires & belts: 400/60x15,5 mönster ca 10 mm
Seller / Auction broker: NCC West Link Contractors
Location: Gråbo, Sweden
brand: Dalum
Dalum entreprenadkärra
OBS! Krok som ligger på flaket ingår ej!
För transport av byggmaterial
skopor mm
Kapacitet 10 ton enligt uppgift
Flak i durkplåt
Drag bak
Skick / Anmärkningar
Fullt fungerande
sparsamt använd
Vissa reflexer sakas / trasiga
Lampglas höger bak skadat
En vajer till broms skadad
Däck i bra skick
Mått och vikt ca
Dragstång 140 cm
Flaklängd 800 cm
Flakbredd 250 cm
Lasthöjd 105 cm
efter tidsbokning i överenskommelse med säljaren
Frakt ombesörjes av köparen
Dalum trailer
NOTE! Hook located on the platform is not included!
For transporting building materials
Capacity 10 tons according to information
Flat in floor plate
Rear drawbar
Parking brake
Condition / Remarks
Fully functional
sparingly used
Some reflectors are chipped / broken
Right rear lamp glass damaged
A cable to the brake is damaged
Tires in good condition
Dimensions and weight approx
Tow bar 140 cm
Flat length 800 cm
Flat width 250 cm
Loading height 105 cm
Loading assistance
after booking an appointment in agreement with the seller
Shipping is arranged by the buyer